Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sinusoidal Map Projection of the Earth

Sinusoidal Map Projection of the Earth
This projection is an equal area map projection. It shows relative sizes accurately, but distorts shapes and directions.

Albers Equal Area Projection of the U.S.A.

Albers Equal Area Projection of the United States of America.

Scale and shape are not preserved in this projection, but distortion limited between the standard parallels.


Early Map of New World Territories Virginia, South Carolina & North Carolina

Early Map of New World Territories Virginia, South Carolina & North Carolina

Fra Mauro World Map

Fra Mauro World Map
Map of the world made around A.D. 1450. Noticeably absent from the map is any reference to the new world which at that time had not been discovered by westerners.

T-O world map

T-O world map

The map was created in medieval times. Jerusalem is located in the center of the world map.

Ptolemy’s World Map

Ptolemy’s World Map

Ptolemy’s maps developed longitudinal and latitudinal
lines. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/PtolemyWorldMap.jpg

Eratostene’s World Map

Eratostene’s World Map
This map design was created around 194 B.C.
Eratosthenes’s map is best known for the use of parallels and meridians.

Hecataeus world map

Hecataeus world map
This map was created in the 400’s B.C.

Although this map was based on Anaximander’s world map, it was more detailed.

Anaximander world map

Anaximander world map


Babylonian world map

Babylonian world map

This is presumed to be one of the oldest world maps.

This world map dates back to the 6th Century B.C.

Stem & Leaf Plot

Stem & Leaf Plot
A stem and leaf plot is similar to a histogram, but it can show more data.

Stem and leaf plots are used to organize large amounts of information.

Similarity matrix

Similarity matrix
A similarity matrix expresses the similarity between two points.

USAF Mapping of Lunar Landing Sites

USAF Mapping of Lunar Landing Sites
This map developed by the United States Air Force, shows both manned and unmanned lunar landing sites.


Lunar Chart LPC-1

Lunar Chart compiled by NASA in order to map the moon.
Charting the moon allows NASA to plan further expeditions.

NORAD Santa Tracking Map

NORAD Santa Tracking Map
This map is compiled by NORAD to playfully track Santa Claus for the amusement of little children.

Topographic Map of Florida

Topographic map of Florida

This topographic map displays the State of Florida.

This map type is used to show the representation of relief using contour lines.

Correlation matrix

This matrix describes correlation among variables.

Many methods of statistical analysis rely on correlation matrixes.

Isolines/Bathymetric Map

Isolines are most often used in reporting the weather.

Isolines are used to show equal areas on a map.

Cartogram Child Mortality

Cartogram Child Mortality
The definition of a Cartogram is “A presentation of statistical data in geographical distribution on a map.”

Cartograms are almost like cartoon images of maps because they are very loose and distorted.

Monday, December 8, 2008


DOQQ Stands for Digital Ortho Quarter Quads

DOQQ maps are digital maps of aerial photographs.


NEXRAD is the National Weather Service’s Next Generation Weather Radar.

NEXRAD is used to aid in weather prediction.


The definition of a Cartogram is “A presentation of statistical data in geographical distribution on a map.”

Cartograms are almost like cartoon images of maps because they are very loose and distorted.

Unclassed Bivariate Map

Unclassed Bivariate Map

By combining different sets of graphics, this map is able to display variables.

Nominal Choropleth

Nominal Choropleth

This choropleth map is used to display nominal data.

Doppler Radar Image

Doppler Radar Image
Doppler radar images are maps that are made up of data from weather radar that uses the Doppler effect to measure units.

Doppler radar images are very helpful in weather reporting.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral Map
This type of map is used to show the boundaries of ownership or parcels.

Star Plot

Star Plot

Star Plots are used to display multivariate information.

Each star in a star plot shows a particular observation.


Planimetric Map

Planimetric Map

Hypsometric map

Topographic Map

DTM Digital Terrain Model

Hydrologically Corrected DEM

Hydrologically Corrected DEM

Hypsometric Map with Contour Lines

Hypsometric Map with Contour Lines


Mental Map

3D Hypsometric Map

3D Hypsometric Map

3D Digital Elevation Model

Soft-Photogrammetry DTM

PLSS Map of Alabama area

PLSS Map of Alabama area

Scatter Plot

Lorenz Curve

Lorenz Curve

Wind Rose

Triangular Plot


Flow Map

Statistical Map

Statistical Map

Isopleth Map

Dot distribution density map

Dot distribution density map

Classed Choropleth Map

LIDAR Image Map

The LIDAR image map.

This system uses light detection and ranging to create topographic type map images.http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories/images/manhattan-lidar092701.jpg

Lambert Conformal Conic Map

The Lambert Conformal Conic Map in often used for aeronautical charts.