Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sinusoidal Map Projection of the Earth

Sinusoidal Map Projection of the Earth
This projection is an equal area map projection. It shows relative sizes accurately, but distorts shapes and directions.

Albers Equal Area Projection of the U.S.A.

Albers Equal Area Projection of the United States of America.

Scale and shape are not preserved in this projection, but distortion limited between the standard parallels.


Early Map of New World Territories Virginia, South Carolina & North Carolina

Early Map of New World Territories Virginia, South Carolina & North Carolina

Fra Mauro World Map

Fra Mauro World Map
Map of the world made around A.D. 1450. Noticeably absent from the map is any reference to the new world which at that time had not been discovered by westerners.

T-O world map

T-O world map

The map was created in medieval times. Jerusalem is located in the center of the world map.

Ptolemy’s World Map

Ptolemy’s World Map

Ptolemy’s maps developed longitudinal and latitudinal
lines. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/PtolemyWorldMap.jpg

Eratostene’s World Map

Eratostene’s World Map
This map design was created around 194 B.C.
Eratosthenes’s map is best known for the use of parallels and meridians.